Padma Purana: The legend says that the Devas were unable to bear the tyranny of ‘Mura’, a demon, approached Shiva, who directed them to Lord Vishnu. A battle ensued between Vishnu and the demon and Vishnu realised that a new weapon was needed to slay Mura. In order to take rest and create a new weapon, Vishnu retired to a cave named for the goddess Haimavathi in BhadrikAshrama (बद्रीनाथ).
When Mura tried to slay Lord Vishnu, who was sleeping, a Sacred Power emerged from Lord Vishnu burned Mura to ashes with her glance. Lord Vishnu, who was pleased, named the Sacred Power – ‘Ekadashi’ and asked her to claim a boon. Ekadashi, instead, beseeched Lord Vishnu that people who observed a fast on that day should be redeemed of their sins. Lord Vishnu thus declared that people who observed a fast on that day and worshipped Ekadashi, would attain Vaikuntha. Thus came into being the first Ekadashi, which was a Dhanurmasa Shukla Paksha Ekadashi.
4:00 AM: Suprabhata Seva.
Devotees chant Venkateshwara Suprabhata Stotram to wake up the Lord. Sri Anantha PadmaNabha Swamy is offered a grand arati with dhoopa (incense), deepa (ghee lamps), arghya, vastra, pushpa (fragrant flowers), chamara and vinjamara.
5:00 AM: Vaikuntha Dwara Ceremony.
The northern gate to the Sri Anantha PadmaNabha Swamy temple hall is decorated as Vaikuntha Dwara.
The darshan was open from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Over 5 thousand (5,000) devotees visited the temple on this day for the darshan of the Lord and to pass through the Vaikuntha Dwara.